CodeMix Characters Coding using pseudo code
CodeMix Characters Coding using pseudo code

Empowering Future Coders

At CodeMix, we nurture creativity and critical thinking through engaging programming experiences for children aged 7 to 12.

Explore Coding

Unleash creativity and confidence through our hands-on programming curriculum.

Programming basics using block based coding
Programming basics using block based coding
Scratch Programming for Children Coding Experience
Scratch Programming for Children Coding Experience
CodeMonkey platform for learning to code
CodeMonkey platform for learning to code
Interactive Coding Tools
Interactive coding experience using various online tools
Interactive coding experience using various online tools

Explore tools like Scratch and CodeMonkey and get introduced to Python using Purple Mash to allow gentle transition from Block based coding to text based coding.

black flat screen computer monitor
black flat screen computer monitor
Collaborate and team effort even on online and in person lessons
Collaborate and team effort even on online and in person lessons
Hands-On Curriculum

Our curriculum involves working through small incremental steps to build solid foundation in a fun and easy way supplemented with hands-on programming exercises.

We provide small and supporting environment allowing active engagement and a positive approach towards programming.

Teaching Environment